At the end of the day, all that matters is that you take care of yourself.

I have been putting off talking about something because I wasn’t quite ready to talk about it. Now I am because I have come to a realization the last few days... I have talked very openly about my struggles in the past with depression and my ongoing challenges with anxiety. In high school, there came... Continue Reading →

Being a Mother of Boys

Raising boys is interesting. This morning, my son told me our house smelt like toots. He "tooted" and apparently this is the new way to tell me. I only know this is the knew way to make the big announcement because it has happened a few times today. We have a really awesome body book... Continue Reading →

Parenting is Simple

We had a very busy morning crafting- painting, rolling trucks through paint, cutting paper, making special things for Dad, etc.  We got so caught up in the fun that we completely ran out of time to go grocery shopping like I had planned. After nap time that was exactly what we needed to do. Our... Continue Reading →

Birth Plans are just a Wish List

When creating a birth plan the doctors are pretty good at explaining it is essentially your wish list for what you view as your ideal labor. They are also good at preparing you to not expect everything on your birth plan to go as planned. Or anything at all in some cases (such as mine).... Continue Reading →

Hello Again, Blogging World.

Guys- I haven't wrote a blog post since July. It isn't that I haven't thought about it. Actually, I have thought about it a lot. Almost daily it crosses my mind about what I want to write or what I NEED to write because like I have said before this is some what therapy for... Continue Reading →

Today Sucked. Tomorrow WILL be Better.

Today sucked. I felt exhausted. That is until midday when I realized I needed to get my shit together and chugged down some coffee. Coffee that I have been trying hard not to consume much of while pregnant. Today was not the type of day to forgo the additional caffeine. Pretty sure my toddlers life... Continue Reading →

Life Doesn’t Always Need a Plan

I've learned throughout my life that I'm not the best at staying in one place. I'm constantly looking for something new; something to challenge me a little. Who says that is a bad thing? There was a time where it was a little frustrating. You know, that time after high school when you are sent... Continue Reading →

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